

I become part of the landscape …. being, doing, responding


When I paint, I try to become part of the dirt and the scorch of the sun, the dry golden grass and barbed wire, the blackening clouds and the force of the wind.

I sit with my canvas wired to a fence, scratching away with my brush, jabbing and dancing out the colour and forms of the landscape, breathing it in and connecting myself to it.

I escape from the complications of the world in this way, just being, doing and responding. Completely immersed, I allow myself to disappear within this space.

Beth Williams is an opera singer, music therapist and emerging artist working in acrylic and mixed media. Beth’s current work explores feeling and form, and the emotion of landscape. She uses texture and flowing brushwork to capture the energy and experience of place.

Beth will be participating in Open Studios 2023 in October.

Medium: painting
texture, mixed media, acrylic, landscapes



12 Oct - 5 Nov