
A Boy and his Dog, Jennifer Took, 2017, oil on paper, 30x42cm.jpg

“If I could say it in words there would be no reason to paint.”

- Edward Hopper

Chantal, Jennifer Took, 2020, watercolour on paper, 29x21cm.jpg


Jennifer grew up in London and Singapore and now lives on a vineyard in St Andrews, Victoria. She paints in the family room amidst the dogs, birds and husband. In 2011 Jennifer took art lessons at the Melbourne Studio of Art mainly under the tutelage of hyper-realist English artist Daniel Smith. Since then she has been self-taught. Jennifer’s works have been shown at the Camberwell Art Show. 

Jennifer initially focused on realism but has started to drift more towards impressionism. She enjoys painting still life, portraits and everyday scenes in oils. Recently, Jennifer also started experimenting with watercolours and looks forward to using this and other mediums to explore different means of expression and themes. She enjoys engaging in colours and forms that convey a sense of emotional and spiritual undertones particularly in her portrait works where she looks to capture something of the soul and an enduring impression of the being. 

Jennifer is at her happiest painting and listening to music, when time seems to lose all relevance. 

Medium: painter
oil, watercolour, drawing, portraits, still life, everyday scenes


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