Journeys through landscapes is what inspires me to create an artwork.
In my prints I try to depict these scenes in a stylised manner, hopefully evoking a sense of place, without being literal copies of them. I love to use mark making and depict the landscape in layers, from close up to the far distance, manipulating the view in such a way as to include as much detail as possible.
I enjoy printmaking, painting and artist book making using mixed media whenever I can.
New Zealand Police Point, Portsea Nancy Fairfax, Tweed Regional Gallery, upcoming.
Important exhibitions:
Tacit Gallery, Editions-Sydney Contemporary Works on Paper-Aratoi Gallery, Masterton New Zealand, Firestation Print Studio which has included works going to Florence Italy, Japan, Ireland, America, London and all over Australia.
Medium: Painter, printmaker, workshops
Likes: Printmaking, Painting, Artist Books,