pieces combine her love of colour and texture
Dani Rapinett is a primarily self-taught, award winning polymer clay and metal jewellery artist, whose work is inspired by the world around her. The majority of her pieces combine her love of colour and texture.
Dani loves to create unique, one of kind pieces from quality materials that will last a lifetime and beyond. She has a passion for polymer clay, metal and gemstones and has been working with all three for over 15 years.
She believes in creating pieces that will stand the test of time and evoke emotion in those who gift or wear them.
Dani has lived and worked in Healesville (in the Yarra Valley, Vic) for most of her life. She creates under the name Dani Art and Jewellery and also owns and runs The Whimsical Bead – the studio she started in 2006, that brings creatives together, offering workshops, events and supplies.
Medium: polymer clay, metal, gemstones
Tags: polymer clay jewellery, gemstone jewellery, metal jewellery, jewellery workshops, polymer clay beads, jewellery supplies.