Yarra Valley Arts /YAVA NEW Member

Yarra Valley Arts /YAVA NEW Member
Yarra Valley Arts Council Inc (YVA) has a long history of supporting and encouraging all types of art by and for the local community. We welcome membership from those who are interested in supporting the development and promotion of Arts and Culture in the Yarra Valley. Membership is for individuals, open to all members of the community and all locations, not just the Yarra Valley. Join our vibrant, active, creative organisation and for more information visit our website at –
Membership Fee: - YVA Inc member $40 (incl GST)
Proof of payment to accompany application (details next page)
As a member you will receive the benefits listed below –
Receive Newsletter
Invitation to exhibition openings
Opportunity for involvement in YVA projects
Access to priority bookings for workshops & classes
Invitation to AGM
Access to Members Only events
Right to vote at the AGM and Special Meetings
Eligible to Nominate for YVA committee positions
Access to Grant Auspice Service
Eligible to purchase Advertising on Newsletter or website*
Financial YVA members who live, work or practice their creativity in the Yarra Valley are eligible to receive additional benefits referred to as the Plus Package for an additional fee of $92 (inc. GST) Financial YVA members who live, work or practice their creativity in the Yarra Valley are eligible to receive additional benefits referred to as the Plus Package for an additional fee of $92 (inc. GST)
Receives Plus Benefits Card
10% Discount on workshops
Priority Access to run workshops at YAVA
Priority Access to Members Only events
Eligible to apply for Open Studios*
Eligible to apply for Profile Page on YVA website*
Eligible to apply to exhibit at YAVA Gallery*
Promote your exhibitions, events & workshops on Newsletter, Facebook & Website
*Subject to specific criteria (i.e. location, curation
Areas of interest/art medium/type of creativity (i.e. music, writing, performance etc)